The Prometheus Trust, a registered charity, No. 299648, seeks to encourage and assist the flowering of philosophy as the living love of wisdom. It especially looks to the Platonic tradition as envisaged by its founders—a guide to the inner and outer life, and a spiritual path open to all men and women who seek deep-rooted truth. The Trust strongly affirms the idea that the whole universe is a divine drama, and that each individual soul is a part of this joyful and beautiful play.
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The Trust publishes and sells a wide range of books: foundational texts from Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Proclus, Damascius and others; contemporary monographs and anthologies of scholarly papers; introductory books for newcomers; collections of short readings for meditations. At the heart of our publishing lies the 32 volume Thomas Taylor Series. Order direct from here to receive a 20% discount


The Trust runs a number of educational courses: two module per year each consisting of three linked residential weekends; three levels of on-going courses via zoom; monthly in person study/discussion sessions in London and Bristol, and another via zoom. We also run annual study weeks in Italy.


The Trust runs an annual conference, regular courses (both in person and via zoom), monthly evening study and discussion sessions in London and Bristol in person and via zoom, and occasional workshops and lectures.

Trust Highlights

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