
Plato – Works – V

TTS vol 13 – The Euthyphro; The Meno; The Protagoras; The Theages; The Laches; The Lysis; The Charmides; The Lesser Hippias; The Euthydemus; The Hipparchus; The Rivals; The Menexenus; The Clitopho; The Io; The Cratylus; The Epistles of Plato.

The Euthyphro; The Meno, with diagrams and additional notes; The Protagoras The Theages; The Laches; The Lysis; The Charmides; The Lesser Hippias; The Euthydemus; The Hipparchus; The Rivals; The Menexenus; The Clitopho; The Io; The Cratylus with much of Proclus’ Scholia on the dialogue; The Epistles of Plato. Included is an article by Taylor and an Index to the notes contained in the Works of Plato. Stephanus pagination has been added.

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