Against the Christians and Other Writings 

TTS vol 33 – This includes several short works from Thomas Taylor not published in the 32 previous volumes, the main ones being writings against the Christians (Julian, Celsus, Porphyry); Taylor’s Rights of Brutes, his Answer to Dr Gillies; his essay On Critics; his Miscellanies in Prose and Verse; his Collectanea; and articles from the Classical Journal. 

This volume includes Taylor’s original volume The Arguments of the Emperor Julian Against the Christians (mainly Against the Galilaeans, but also several extracts of other writings aimed towards reviving Paganism and criticising Christian activities); his small volume Arguments of Celsus, Porphyry and Julian Against the Christians; his Rights of Brutes (a satire on Payne’s Rights of Man, and Wollstonecraft’s Rights of Women); his Answer to the Supplement of Dr Gillies (a defence of his approach to the translation of Aristotle); his short essay On Critics; all the writings in his two works Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, and Collectanea which have not been included earlier in the Series, and all his writings in the Classical Journal which have not been used earlier in the Series

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