The Prometheus Trust has published anthologies of scholarly essays from the annual conferences of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies (ISNS) for many years. From 2019 we are enhancing our joint venture with the Society by making all articles published henceforward open access. This page will present every article published listed in alphabetical order by author’s name within any particular year’s anthology (with a short keyword summary to allow for searches).


Open Access

Our open access is offered under the Creative Commons BY (version 4.0) terms – this allows for a wide range of uses of the material, with very few restrictions, but please note:


You must give appropriate credit, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

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ISNS Articles

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Upcoming ISNS Publication

Essentials of the Philosophy of Plato and his Tradition

The aim is to present an outline of the elements of the Platonic tradition, to show something of its breadth and depth, and to make an initial exploration of the methods by which each participant’s interior resources can be brought into play in the search for philosophical truths and beauties.

Tuesday evenings (6-7.30 GMT) between January and April – with a possibility of a second course run on Sunday evenings (GMT) between May and July.

Email for further details: or write to The Education Co-ordinator,
14 Tylers Way, Sedbury, Chepstow, Glos, NP16 7AB

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