Carolina Sanchez
Platonism and its Legacy 9781898910886 Papers from the ISNS 2017 conference held in Olomouc, Czech Republic and published in 2019 Eros as Soul’s ‘Eye’ in Plotinus: What does it see and not see? Lela Alexidze Keywords: Plotinus, Eros, eye, Plato, love, soul, intellect, One, vision, contemplation, activity, self ** Neoplatonic Asclepius Eugene Afonasin Keywords: medicine in late antiquity, Proclus, Damascius, Neoplatonism, classical archaeology ** Georgius Raguseius against Astrology Luka Boršić and Ivana Skuhala Karasman Keywords: ** Gender construction and social connections in Porphyry’s Ad Marcellam Mathilde Cambron-Goulet Keywords: Porphyry, Marcella, Women, Neoplatonism, Education, Soul, Epistolography, Literacy, Marriage, Civic virtues, Purificateur virtue, Philosophy as way of life, Protreptic ** Comenius’ Pansophia in the Context of Renaissance Neo-Platonism Jan Čížek Keywords: John Amos Comenius, Tommaso Campanella, Francesco Patrizi, Renaissance philosophy, Neo-Platonism, Aristotelianism, pansophy, metaphysics ** Why the Intelligibles are not Outside the Intellect Lloyd Gerson Keywords: Plotinus, intelligibles, Demiurge, Timaeus, cognitive identity, Sophist, Parmenides, grades of oneness, non-representational knowledge ** Francesco Patrizi and the Oracles of Zoroaster: The Use of Chaldean Oracles in Nova de universis philosophia Vojtěch Hladký Keywords: Francesco Patrizi; Gemistos Plethon; Zoroaster; Chaldaean Oracles; Nova de universis philosophia; Panuagia; Panarchia; Pampsychia; Pancosmia; Ficino; metaphysics of light; philosophical cosmology; Renaissance philosophy; Middle Platonism; Proclus; Psellos; stoicism ** The Erotic Magus: Ficino’s De amore as a Guide to Plato’s Symposium Angie Hobbs Keywords: Daemon, daimōn, De amore, Eros, Erōs, Ficino, Iamblichus, magic, natural magic; Newton, Plato, Porphyry, Proclus, Symposium ** The Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of God Jacques Joseph Keywords: More, Henry; Cambridge Platonism; mechanicism; world soul; Holy Spirit; Neoplatonism; enthusiasm; Early Modern philosophy; natural philosophy; Spirit of Nature; metaphysics; dualism; emanationism; natural laws ** Eternity and Time in Porphyry, Sentence 44 Lenka Karfíková Keywords: Porphyry, Plotinus, Time, Eternity ** Psychological Effects of Henôsis Bruce MacLennan Keywords: active imagination, analytical psychology, Anima, Animus, archetype, complex, daimon, henosis, individuation, Jolande Jacobi, Jungian psychology, mandala, Shadow, theurgy ** What kind of souls did Proclus discover? Svetlana Mesyats Keywords: Neoplatonism, Proclus, Marinus of Samaria, Proclus’ psychology, horizontal-vertical procession, psychic series, hypercosmic souls, luminous body, Proclus’ theory of place, separate gods. ** Johannes Kepler and His Neoplatonic Sources Jiri Michalik Keywords: Johannes Kepler, Plotinus, Proclus, mathematics, astronomy, renaissance science, neoplatonic philosophy, renaissance philosophy, harmonics ** Is self-knowledge one or multiple? Consciousness in ‘Simplicius’, Commentary on On the Soul Chiara Militello Keywords: Damascius, desire, intellect, irrational soul, Priscian of Lydia, prosektikon, psychological powers, reason, self-knowledge, self-reversion, sense perception, Simplicius, synaisthêsis, syneidos ** Lewis Campbell’s Studies on Plato and their Philosophical Significance Thomas Mróz Keywords: L. Campbell, St Andrews, Plato, chronology of dialogues, the "Theaetetus", the "Sophist" ** The Platonic Framework of Valeriano Magni’s Philosophy Tomas Nejeschleba Keywords: Valeriano Magni; 17th century philosophy; Platonism; Capuchin order; Augustinianism; Bonaventurianism; Antiaristotelianism; rationalism; light metaphysics; light of minds; introspection ** Porphyry and the Motif of Christianity as παράνομος Ilaria Ramelli Keywords: Porphyry of Tyre, Origen of Alexandria, the Hellene of Macarius of Magnesia, Tertullian, Christianity's status in the pre-Constantinian Roman Empire, the notion of paranomos (illegal), the concept of pax deorum, Porphyry’s judgment on Origen ** The Reception of Xenophanes’ Philosophical Theology in Plato and the Christian Platonists Monika Recinová Keywords: Xenophanes of Colophon; ancient reception of Xenophanes’ philosophical theology; patristic reception of Xenophanes’ philosophical theology; Xenophanean philosophical theology as topos; Plato’ reception of Xenophanean philosophical theology; reception of Xenophanean topos in Christian Platonists; Xenophanes Christianus; philosophical critique of Biblical anthropomorphism; god of philosophers in Christian thought; impact of Xenophanean theology on patristic thought. ** Simplicius on De Anima 407b23-408a29 Carolina Sanchez Keywords: Aristotle- Pseudo-Simplicius- Greek commentators of Aristotle- De Anima- Early Greek Psychology- Soul-Harmony - Ancient physicalism - Aristotle’s dialectics - Neoplatonic commentators ** The Causality of the First Principle and the theory of Two Activities in Plotinus Enn. V.4 [7] 13 Andrei Timotin Keywords: Plotinus, Aristotle, causality, first principle, active power, actuality, potentiality, inelligible, first cause, negative theology, One, Intellect, Life ** Cyril of Alexandria’s Theory of the Incarnate Union Re-examined Sergey Trostyanskiy Keywords: Mixture, Incarnation, Cyril of Alexandria, Aristotle, Alexander of Aphrodisias, Neoplatonism, Plotinus, Proclus ** Our concern though is not to be out of sin, but to be god - assimilation to god according to Plotinus - Thomas Vidart Thomas Vidart Keywords: Alcinous, Aristotle, Assimilation, Contemplation, Demon, Divinization, Escape, God, Humanity, Identification, Imitation, Intellect, Intelligible, Involuntary impulses, Life, Plato, Plotinus, Resemblance, Unification, Xenocrates ** Ficino in the light of alchemy. Heinrich Khunrathʼs use of Ficinian metaphysics of light Martin Zemla Keywords: Marsilio Ficino - Heinrich Khunrath – Paracelsianism – Renaissance - alchemy – metaphysics of light – light of nature – divine light – alchemical fire - burning mirrors – the Sun – solar rays – astrology – allegorical exegesis – Rudolfine Prague
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