Bruce MacLennan
Platonic Interpretations Platonic Interpretations cover Papers from the ISNS 2018 conference held in Los Angeles, USA and published in 2019 Nobility of the Complex - Suhrawardis Exposition on the Problem of Universals Khashayar Beigi Keywords: Suhrawardi, Light, Complexity, Universals, Incorporeals, Illuminationism, Illuminative Metaphysics, Platonic Forms, Arabic Platonism, Persian Platonism, Post-Avicennianism, the Principle of Noblest Possiblity *** Platonism of Origen of Alexandria in Dutch-Arminian Theology Andrea Bianchi Keywords: Anti-trinitarianism - Arminianism - De-Platonization - Hellenization of Christianity - Jean Le Clerc - Origen of Alexandria *** Origen of Alexandria - Spheres, Squares and Other Abstract Objects Robert M. Berchman Keywords: Logos, prayer, philosophy of mind, language, discursive, non-discursive, philosophy of god, likeness unto god, limits of thought, limits of language, causality, intentionality, negative theology, epistemology *** Hermias on the Vehicle of the Soul John F. Finamore Keywords: Hermias, Proclus, Damascius, Iamblichus, soul, vehicle, daimon, ascent *** Alcibiades, the Bad Lover - The Ethics of Platos Erotic Philosophy Elizabeth Hill Keywords: Plato, Eros, Symposium, Phaedrus, Alcibiades I, Lysis, Gregory Vlastos, Interpersonal eros, Ethics, Particularity *** Platos Cosmology - Conflicting Theories George Latura Keywords: Interpretations, Timaeus, Different, Same, Equator, Zodiac, Ecliptic, Republic, Planets, Milky Way *** Iamblichus Theory of Divination and Divine Inspiration - Nature and Hydromancy at Claros Andreea-Maria Lemnaru-Carrez Keywords: Neoplatonism, divination, possession, enthusiasm, oracle, panentheism *** The Psychodynamics of the Numbers Bruce MacLennan Keywords: Analytical psychology, archetypal numbers, archetypes, arithmology, Jung, numerology, numerosity, Pythagoreanism, symmetry, Theology of Arithmetic, von Franz *** Porphyry and Iamblichus on the Ochema-Pneuma and the Purification of the Soul Julio Cesar Moreira Keywords: Neoplatonism, Iamblichus, Porphyry, soteriology, Theurgy, asceticism, De Mysteriis, De Abstinentia, ochema-pneuma, phantasia *** Philipp Melanchthons Twofold Reception of Platonism Giovanni Tortoriello Keywords: Philipp Melanchthon, Martin Luther, Reformation, Plato, Aristotle, Origen, Augustine, immortality of the soul *** Foundations of Ecology in Plotinus Neoplatonism Michael Wagner Keywords: Ecology, ecosystems, environmentalism, essentialism, world soul, Plotinus, Neoplatonism
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