The Psychodynamics of the Numbers


Bruce MacLennan


Platonic Interpretations Platonic Interpretations cover Papers from the ISNS 2018 conference held in Los Angeles, USA and published in 2019 Nobility of the Complex - Suhrawardis Exposition on the Problem of Universals Khashayar Beigi Keywords: Suhrawardi, Light, Complexity, Universals, Incorporeals, Illuminationism, Illuminative Metaphysics, Platonic Forms, Arabic Platonism, Persian Platonism, Post-Avicennianism, the Principle of Noblest Possiblity *** Platonism of Origen of Alexandria in Dutch-Arminian Theology Andrea Bianchi Keywords: Anti-trinitarianism - Arminianism - De-Platonization - Hellenization of Christianity - Jean Le Clerc - Origen of Alexandria *** Origen of Alexandria - Spheres, Squares and Other Abstract Objects Robert M. Berchman Keywords: Logos, prayer, philosophy of mind, language, discursive, non-discursive, philosophy of god, likeness unto god, limits of thought, limits of language, causality, intentionality, negative theology, epistemology *** Hermias on the Vehicle of the Soul John F. Finamore Keywords: Hermias, Proclus, Damascius, Iamblichus, soul, vehicle, daimon, ascent *** Alcibiades, the Bad Lover - The Ethics of Platos Erotic Philosophy Elizabeth Hill Keywords: Plato, Eros, Symposium, Phaedrus, Alcibiades I, Lysis, Gregory Vlastos, Interpersonal eros, Ethics, Particularity *** Platos Cosmology - Conflicting Theories George Latura Keywords: Interpretations, Timaeus, Different, Same, Equator, Zodiac, Ecliptic, Republic, Planets, Milky Way *** Iamblichus Theory of Divination and Divine Inspiration - Nature and Hydromancy at Claros Andreea-Maria Lemnaru-Carrez Keywords: Neoplatonism, divination, possession, enthusiasm, oracle, panentheism *** The Psychodynamics of the Numbers Bruce MacLennan Keywords: Analytical psychology, archetypal numbers, archetypes, arithmology, Jung, numerology, numerosity, Pythagoreanism, symmetry, Theology of Arithmetic, von Franz *** Porphyry and Iamblichus on the Ochema-Pneuma and the Purification of the Soul Julio Cesar Moreira Keywords: Neoplatonism, Iamblichus, Porphyry, soteriology, Theurgy, asceticism, De Mysteriis, De Abstinentia, ochema-pneuma, phantasia *** Philipp Melanchthons Twofold Reception of Platonism Giovanni Tortoriello Keywords: Philipp Melanchthon, Martin Luther, Reformation, Plato, Aristotle, Origen, Augustine, immortality of the soul *** Foundations of Ecology in Plotinus Neoplatonism Michael Wagner Keywords: Ecology, ecosystems, environmentalism, essentialism, world soul, Plotinus, Neoplatonism

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