The Prometheus Trust is a charity registered in the UK (charity number 299648): our purpose is to encourage and support philosophy as a living art. We centre our activities on the philosophy of the Platonic tradition—a tradition which has always understood philosophy not only as a guide to the outer life, but also as an
inner path. The Trust is aimed at those who are genuinely seeking to treat philosophy as a serious way of life, but it also enjoys the active support of highly regarded academics who are sympathetic to this approach.
Our Work
The Trust has an extensive catalogue of published works ranging from Plato, Plotinus, and Proclus amongst others to modern authors who are exploring the depths of Platonic philosophy. But our primary concern is with the living practice of philosophy: we run courses both in person and via Zoom, welcoming those who pursue wisdom as central to the truly good life. In this work, we maintain a principle that this philosophy is not to be bought and sold and that we try to make it accessible to all those who wish to join us regardless of their material resources.
We do not charge for our work but do have to pass on the minimum expenses to those who attend our residential study weeks/weekends. We also hope that in the long term we can set up a centre as a permanent home for our activities—see below for more information.
Any donations which we can use to support our ongoing activities, as well as building up the Trust’s resources in order to achieve our long term goals will be most welcome.
The Prometheus Trust exists to encourage, promote and assist the flowering of philosophy as the living love of wisdom; and is dedicated to the re-establishment of philosophy as the primary education of the human soul.
The Athena Academy of Philosophy
Our primary focus of attention is the drawing together all people of goodwill who are especially concerned with the re-establishment of the Platonic tradition, strengthening and deepening their endeavours. In the longer term we would like to establish a centre to underpin the growing network of Platonist philosophers – to be called the Athena Academy of Philosophy.
This living pursuit of wisdom is intensely practical, beneficial and life-affirming, to the individual, to society, and to the world in which we must play our part. As Plato wrote, “the human race will not be liberated from evils, till either the genus of those that philosophize with rectitude and truth obtains the government of political affairs, or those that govern, from a certain divine allotment, truly philosophize.” We hope that the planned academy will become a long-lasting contributor towards the establishment of a deeply-rooted philosophy as the guide of human activities.
We envisage that the Academy will be a centre of true learning and education – a home for those who wish to cultivate wisdom, and its attendant beauty, through weekend seminars, longer term study, or by visiting for informal discussion of philosophic insights. We also expect to provide a centre for the arts and sciences; a place for people of different traditions to meet and exchange ideas; a home for those who wish to renew their perspective on life; a sanctuary of beauty to inspire quiet meditation; a temple for the contemplation and recognition of divinity: in a phrase, a crucible of transformation.
Your assistance is required in order to bring this vision into actuality.
This goal can be achieved in a number of ways, such as the donation of land and buildings, or of funds to purchase these. This direct appeal is an expression not only of the need for support, but even more of the need for such an Academy itself – a centre which, we hope, will extend the call to wisdom beyond the limitations artificially imposed by modern concepts of what is and is not philosophy.
It is the Trust’s firm belief that, while many other charitable works are worthy of support, there are few, if any, projects which address the long-term needs of the human race as directly as The Athena Academy. Without the wisdom which true philosophy cultivates, well intentioned donations to charitable causes are unlikely to have their desired effect, and at best will provide only short-term solutions. Conversely, with such wisdom, creative solutions can be found which do not rely on the overuse of resources, and which are long-lasting and wide-ranging, bringing true justice to all humanity and beautifying that portion of the universe over which humankind has influence. Philosophy enables humans to distinguish the truly good from the apparently good — and this is, surely, the primary requisite if we are to change our world, our society and ourselves for the better. Whatever you feel able to give to this project, be it great or small, we are sure that its effect will far exceed anything easily imagined.

Any donations which we can use to support our ongoing activities, as well as building up the Trust’s resources in order to achieve our long term goals will be most welcome.
You can donate via the button below, but do feel free to contact us if you would like to discuss possible donations (or other help) you might be able to offer ( If you are in the UK you can also pay directly to our bank account (The Prometheus Trust, sort 23-05-80, account no. 47775884.
If you are a UK tax payer we can also reclaim tax paid on your donation—please inform our administrator of your tax status—also at
Our charity relies wholly on volunteering. We are mostly concerned with encouraging those interested in this philosophy to join in with our Education programme. If you did have a particular skill or were really keen to join in with the day-to-day running of the Trust, please use our contact information below to get in touch.