Our residential weekends take place in the UK. One module is made up of three weekends. For more information on how we run these please read our dedicated page here.
“Whither are you going, my dear Phaedrus, and from whence came you?” With these words Plato opens a dialogue which might be called his manifesto of philosophy: it draws the reader in to a consideration of the fundamental question of human life, touching upon all the primary teachings of the Platonic tradition, and showing how intimately bound love and truth are in the philosophic life of the soul. The Phaedrus is the dialogue which offers Plato’s readers the widest possible frame for viewing the soul as a self-motive adventurer in the divine cosmos, touching as it does the borders of eternity and the strange coils of time.
Our studies will explore the profound ideas that lie behind the dialogue: we will look at the Platonic view of the soul as an immortal creature journeying in the realms of time; the inspirations of Apollo, Dionysus, the Muses, and Eros; our reminiscence of beautiful truths, the experience of divinity as shaping our lives; the path of philosophy as a soul to soul activity, and much more. The dialogue is around sixty pages, so we should have the opportunity to follow it in an unhurried fashgion with time to dig into some of the more obscure elements of the story it tells.
The weekends take place 17-19 January, 14-16 February, 4-6 April 2025- costs per weekend range from £175 to £200 (which includes all food and drink and either a non-suite or ensuite bedroom). Bursaries and payment plans are available – payments are due three weeks before each weekend. Refunds only available with enough notice. For more information on how we run these please read our dedicated page here.
Bookings close 20 December 2024. If after you’ve read the dedicated page, get in touch or complete a booking form by following this link.