The Prometheus Trust has published anthologies of scholarly essays from the annual conferences of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies (ISNS) for many years. From 2019 we are enhancing our joint venture with the Society by making all articles published henceforward open access. This page will present every article published listed in alphabetical order by author’s name within any particular year’s anthology (with a short keyword summary to allow for searches).
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The papers in this anthology, are collected from the papers given at the 20th annual conference of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies in Catania, Sicily. The authors of the twenty chapters of this anthology cover a wide range of topics and of philosophers, including Plato, Plotinus, Iamblichus, the Emperor Julian, Hierocles, Proclus, Syrianus, Olympiodorus, Boethius, Albertus Magnus, Catherine of Genoa, Robert Grosseteste , and Carl Jung.
Edited by R. Loredana Cardullo, John F. Finamore and Chiara Militello. Other contributors: Michele Abbate, Ryan M. Brown, Claudia Lo Casto, Jean-Michel Charrue, Piera De Piano, Kevin Corrigan, Paula Pico Estrada, Camille Guigon, Maja Kaleziæ, Tamar Khubulava, Marios Koutsoukos, Bruce MacLennan, Donka Markus, Aurelia Maruggi, Tomáš Nejeschleba, Ina Schall, Marcin Trepczyñski, Sergey Trostyanskiy.