For those not in the UK we run courses and events online. The courses are designed to be a gradual, yet ever deepening, exploration of the tradition, as well as one-off sessions.

Course Descriptions

Open sessions 

One Tuesday evening every month — these are informal sessions where a particular passage from the Platonic text or a particular theme is explored. Each subject is introduced by a brief talk (about 15 minutes or so) and then opened up for discussion among participants. No previous study of Platonic philosophy (or, indeed, any other kind) is required – although such is the nature of Platonic writings that even those who are well established in Platonic philosophy should find challenging elements emerging during these sessions. Our next session will look at triads In Platonic philosophy- more details under Upcoming events.

Introductory course

The Essentials of the Philosophy of Plato and his Tradition is a course designed to give a broad view of Platonism and to bring to light some of the more neglected aspects of the tradition. Our particular aim is to lay before participants the possibilities of Platonic philosophy as a spiritual path, exploring the insights of the ancient tradition while avoiding a dogmatic approach.  Our next course will be in Spring/Summer 2025.

Further studies

The following two courses are aimed at those who are, in varying degrees, committed to the exploration of the Platonic tradition as both a guide for the outer life and as an inner discipline of soul culture. We have divided the studies into “intermediate” and “advanced”, not to refer to the participants but simply to indicate some differences in the content of each set of studies: the intermediate studies are designed to ensure that foundational concepts are explored and questioned in a relatively systematic way; the advanced studies are designed to allow participants to go deeper into the mysteries and subtleties of the Platonic tradition. The three levels – the Essentials, Intermediate and Advanced – are there not only to allow a gradual progress of understanding but also to facilitate a deepening of commitment to the tradition.  Please do read the entire page before you sign up to a course.

Intermediate Studies

There are two modules per year of these studies: each comprising 7 sessions every other Sunday evening. Our winter/spring module will explore one of Plato’s dialogues, while the autumn module will take a theme and draw on various Platonic writings: the dialogues and themes will be selected with a view to covering foundational concepts of Platonic philosophy. Our next course will look at the Platonic dialogue, the Phaedrus, starting in January 2025. For more information and to sign up go here. 

Advanced Studies

This academic year we have decided to run one course but our usual approach is the same as above for the intermediate. It usually involves a more complex text, so as to build on previous understanding. 

Further information

These studies are offered to those who are looking to move deeper into the Platonic tradition, as a living teaching. What does this mean? It does not imply an exclusivity which rejects the insights of other traditions, nor does it demand that particular teachings usually denominated Platonic are accepted simply because of their apparent establishment within the tradition. At all times the endeavour is to respect the self-motive and self-sufficient nature of the enquiring soul. But the Trust works within the tradition because it holds that it is comprehensive and profound, offering the wisdom-fruits of men and women who have formed a golden chain over many centuries and millennia: while the ultimate movement is “a flight of the alone to the alone”, the assistance that each of us can receive from those who have contributed to our tradition is beyond measure.

To enter whole-heartedly into the tradition is not to become passive to it – in truth, it will not yield its best treasures until the individual seeks to contribute to it him- or herself. Platonism is a timeless conversation across the generations: our explorations are our attempt to listen more closely and to respond more generously to that conversation.

The advanced studies are especially aimed at those who feel themselves to be reasonably well established in the Platonic tradition, and who are committed to that tradition as their primary vehicle of philosophic endeavour. According to the sages of this path philosophy not only engages the best of our gnostic and life-giving powers, but also embraces a conscious communion with the higher powers through appropriate devotional practices (as Plato affirms in his Laws at 716d).

The Trust is not in the business of judging individuals and so we leave it to you to decide whether or not you are likely to benefit by joining this level of exploration: if you would like to talk over the kind of level we are likely to be pitching the studies at please contact the education co-ordinator with the email address in the contacts footer, who would be happy to email or set up a private zoom session to talk it through.

We do need to emphasize that if you are looking simply to place Platonism in the context of what one might call the universal tradition of humankind, this is not what the explorations are aimed at – as honourable and as useful as such endeavours are. Our view is that one should drink deeply of a single coherent tradition and that an appreciation of the universal will spontaneously arise if, as it should be, the spirit of tolerance and openness is cultivated as part of that tradition. This ongoing course is our best attempt at assisting those whose focus is upon the Platonic path. 

Our study of the foundational dialogues of Plato will be aided by the profound insights of the Platonists of late antiquity, as we endeavour to gain sight of, as Thomas Taylor puts it, “those great truths in the philosophy and theology of Plato, which though they have been concealed for ages in oblivion, have a subsistence coeval with the universe, and will again be restored, and flourish, for very extended periods, through all the infinite revolutions of time.” 

Our modular format should allow new participants to join our ongoing studies at the beginning of the modules in September or January: each module will be relatively self-contained but, of course, continued attendance should enable the student to build upon previous studies. 

Practical details

The sessions will run on alternating Sundays, from 6.00 to 7.45pm (London time)  for the intermediate studies. For details of our upcoming courses please look at the listings to the right or have a look at our Event pages. 

We do ask that participants make their best efforts to attend every session because we expect much of the value of any module to arise from the experience of the exchanges between ourselves as we build up our understanding of the text or theme that we are focussing upon.

There are no fees involved – the Trust runs all its teaching activities at cost as we consider the cultivation of wisdom to be not only priceless, but also the rightful inheritance of every soul and, as Socrates himself says in the Gorgias (at 420d), not something which should be subject to payments. Should participants feel so moved, the Prometheus Trust (a registered UK charity) welcomes donations, in order to further our work.

Where Prometheus Trust books form the basis of any module, we will be offering an extra “students’ discount” on our prices via our own website (unless you are in the US or Canada, in which case our distributors Kindred Star Books will also be able to offer a discount).

We use Slack to supplement our work and normally use zoom for our video calls.

Please go our Events pages to see all our upcoming events and courses. Click on the link to find out more about our upcoming intermediate online course. Registration open.

Upcoming Course

january 2025 intermediate online course

Phaedrus - the Soul as a Self-Motive Adventurer in the Divine Cosmos

“Whither are you going, my dear Phaedrus, and from whence came you?” With these words Plato opens a dialogue which might be called his manifesto of philosophy: it draws the reader in to a consideration of the fundamental question of human life, touching upon all the primary teachings of the Platonic tradition, and showing how intimately bound love and truth are in the philosophic life of the soul. The Phaedrus is the dialogue which offers Plato’s readers the widest possible frame for viewing the soul as a self-motive adventurer in the divine cosmos, touching as it does the borders of eternity and the strange coils of time.

Our studies will explore the profound ideas that lie behind the dialogue: we will look at the Platonic view of the soul as an immortal creature journeying in the realms of time; the inspirations of Apollo, Dionysus, the Muses, and Eros; our reminiscence of beautiful truths, the experience of divinity as shaping our lives; the path of philosophy as a soul to soul activity, and much more.

Fortnightly Sunday evenings (6-7.45pm GMT UK time)  between January 19th and April 13th. This may get repeated on the Wednesdays after this if numbers are too large.


There is no cost for the course but donations are welcome. The course is run via zoom with Slack to share thoughts and materials. Registration (including list of dates) is via google forms here. Please use the contact emails below if you had any further questions. You can also find out more information about our intermediate course here.

Upcoming Events

Phaedrus - the Soul as a Self-Motive Adventurer in the Divine Cosmos - a residential course

Phaedrus - the Soul as a Self-Motive Adventurer in the Divine Cosmos - a residential course

January 17, 2025 - April 4, 2025    
12:00 AM
Our residential weekends take place in the UK. One module is made up of three weekends. For more information on how we run these please [...]
Phaedrus - the Soul as a Self-Motive Adventurer in the Divine Cosmos - an intermediate online course

Phaedrus - the Soul as a Self-Motive Adventurer in the Divine Cosmos - an intermediate online course

January 19, 2025 - April 13, 2025    
6:00 PM - 7:45 PM
This is our online intermediate course. To find out more details about our online courses please see our dedicated page here. To register please use [...]
Plato the Orphic Philosopher? - Open session in Manchester

Plato the Orphic Philosopher? - Open session in Manchester

April 25, 2025    
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Plato references Orphic myth and cult teachings throughout his writings: although modern rationalist scholarship has been reluctant to acknowledge how much Orphic material underpinned the [...]

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