
Know Thyself - Plato’s First Alcibiades & Commentary

Plato’s First Alcibiades translated by Taylor and Sydenham, included is three introductory essays and Plotinus on the Descent of the Soul (IV, viii) 

Plato’s First Alcibiades was the recognised introduction to the dialogues of Plato in late antiquity, because it addresses the important question of the nature of the self.  Only by discovering this can we understand the perspective from which to view the rest of reality.   Approximate Stephanus pagination accompanies the text. Added in the form of additional notes and an introduction is much of Proclus’ Commentary which reveals to the thoughtful student the depths of this important dialogue, its universal form, and its living heart – which is the quickening of the soul by the touch of divine vision. Plotinus’ treatise On the Descent of the Soul (Ennead IV, viii) is also added. Three modern essays, written with the newcomer in mind, accompany the text and commentary: A Survey of the Soul and Socrates as the Symbolic Daemon of the Alcibiades by Tim Addey, and Possibilities of Self by Guy Wyndham-Jones.

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