Papers from the ISNS 2017 Conference.
Papers from the ISNS 2017 Conference.
This anthology of 23 essays by scholars from around the world is published in association with the ISNS: it contains many of the papers presented in their 2017 annual conference. Contents:
Why the Intelligibles are not Outside the Intellect Lloyd Gerson
The Causality of the First Principle and the theory of Two Activities in Plotinus Enn. V.4 [7] 13 Andrei Timotin
“Our concern, though, is not to be out of sin, but to be god:” Assimilation to god according to Plotinus Thomas Vidart
Eros as Soul’s ‘Eye’ in Plotinus: What does it see and not see? Lela Alexidze
Eternity and Time in Porphyry, Sentence 44 Lenka Karfíková
Gender construction and social connections in Porphyry’s Ad Marcellam Mathilde Cambron-Goulet
What kind of souls did Proclus discover? Svetlana Messiats
Is self-knowledge one or multiple? Consciousness in ‘Simplicius’, Commentary on On the Soul Chiara Militello
Simplicius on De Anima 407b23-408a29 Carolina Sánchez
Neoplatonic Asclepius Eugene Afonasin
Porphyry and the Motif of Christianity as παράνομος Ilaria Ramelli
The Reception of Xenophanes’ Philosophical Theology in Plato and the Christian Platonists Monika Recinová
Cyril of Alexandria’s Theory of the Incarnate Union Re-examined Sergey Trostyanskiy
The Erotic Magus: Ficino’s De amore as a Guide to Plato’s Symposium Angela Hobbs
Francesco Patrizi and the Oracles of Zoroaster: The Use of Chaldean Oracles in Nova de universis philosophia Vojtěch Hladky
Ficino in the light of alchemy. Heinrich Khunrathʼs use of Ficinian metaphysics of light Martin Žemla
Johannes Kepler and His Neoplatonic Sources Jiří Michalík
Georgius Raguseius against Astrology Luka Boršić and Ivana Skuhala Karasman
The Platonic Framework of Valeriano Magni’s Philosophy Tomáš Nejeschleba
Comenius’ Pansophia in the Context of Renaissance Neo-Platonism Jan Čížek
The Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of God Jacques Joseph
Lewis Campbell’s Studies on Plato and their Philosophical Significance Thomas Mróz
Psychological Effects of Henôsis Bruce J. MacLennan
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