One of the world’s most comprehensive catalogue of works on Platonic philosophy.
Publications from the Trust include the 33 volume Thomas Taylor Series of ancient Platonic texts; an expanding series of Texts and Translations (editions of modern scholarly texts in parallel Greek and English translations); a Students’ Edition paperback Series, which seeks to introduce the basics of Platonic philosophy to newcomers; open access anthologies from The International Society of Neoplatonic Studies’ annual conference; and also a wide range of books on many different aspects of philosophy. Our books are offered at very reasonable prices, in order to encourage the discovery and study of the best of the written Platonic tradition. We have an editorial board and encourage authors to read about how to publish with us here. To read about how we deliver and our returns policy please go to the cart page. All our books are offered at a sale rate of 20% when purchased through our website.
We are seeking to publish works written from a wide variety of perspectives and we welcome submissions from authors with varying backgrounds – academic, non-academic, and shades in between – but all of whom are inspired by the possibilities of philosophy as the love of wisdom.
The Thomas Taylor Series: The Trust has republished the entire works of Thomas Taylor, the great English Platonist, in a uniform edition of thirty-three volumes. This Thomas Taylor Series represents the most comprehensive survey of the Platonic mystical philosophy in the English language: it not only includes the complete works of Plato and Aristotle, but also most of the surviving works of the late Platonic commentators who revealed the hidden symbology within Plato’s writings. The series presents the Orphic hymns, Pythagorean writings, works by such authors as Proclus, Plotinus, Porphyry, Iamblichus, Julian, Apuleius, Maximus Tyrius, and Pausanias among many others. The Series is presented in hardback cases, bound in purple buckram, with gold blocking to the spine. (A few of the titles in the series are additionally available in paperback.) The whole series is offered at a discount, details of which can be found here.
Texts and Translations: This is a series which offers a number of important Platonic and neoplatonic works with parallel Greek texts and English translations together with extensive notes and indices – mainly by late twentieth century scholars. The series is in hardback binding.
Students’ Editions Series: This series includes introductions to Platonic concepts of metaphysics and psychology, together with some of the most important Platonic dialogues (with explanatory essays). Paperback.
The Music of Philosophy: Each book in this series offers a number of short extracts from the writings of Platonic philosopher of antiquity which can be used for daily meditations – beautifully presented and designed to inspire. Hardback.
ISNS Conference Anthologies: The International Society of Neoplatonic Studies produce annual anthologies of papers presented at their regular summer conferences – this is the Prometheus Trust’s growing collection of scholarly paperbacks.
Miscellaneous Books: The Trust has a wide range of hard and paperbacks from various authors – including Algis Uzdavinys, Martin West, Harold Tarrant, Joseph Moreau, John Dillon, L G Westerink and Thomas Moore Johnson.
If you would like to publish with us, please find information about our Editorial board and process here. We sell and deliver books across the world – please click Publications above. If you are in the USA please order from our US distributor Kindred Star. If you are within the EU to avoid extra customs charges we advise ordering from our eBay listings. To discuss large orders at a discounted rate please use the contact information in the footer to get in touch.
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John Dillon on Plotinus
This is a retrospect of Professor Dillon’s essays on Plotinus which have been published in various journals over the last 55 years – some 20 in total. Available now.

Iamblichus and Theurgy
Retrospective of Professor Gregory Shaw’s essay on Iamblichus and Theurgy published in various journals over the last 20 years – some 17 in total. Available April 2025.