
Platonism and its Heritage

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Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies

Edited by John F Finamore, Ionanna Patsioti and Giannis Stamatellos

This anthology of 11 essays by scholars from around the world is published in association with the ISNS: it contains many of the papers presented in their 2022 annual conference


John F Finamore, Ionanna Patsioti and Giannis Stamatellos











Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies

Edited by John F Finamore, Ionanna Patsioti and Giannis Stamatellos

This anthology of 11 essays by scholars from around the world is published in association with the ISNS: it contains many of the papers presented in their 2022 annual conference


La homonimia del ser en la Metafísica  Bessie Alexandra Zibara Lara

Meson and Mesotes: Plotinian and Aristotelian Perspectives on the Soul’s Inner Privacy and Virtue Ethics Ioanna Patsioti and Giannis Stamatellos

Lasting Light: Plotinus, Likeness and Images  Gareth Polmeer

Plotinus’ Rational Approach to Artistic Beauty Through Imagination, and its Reflection on Picasso and Einstein’s Creative Thought  Aphrodite Alexandrakis

Myth and Imagination in Olympiodorus’ Commentary on Aristotle’s Meteorology Chiara Militello

Hermetic Rebirth through the Heavenly Spheres in CH XIII Akindynos Kaniamos

Dionysius’ Application of the Role of Theurgist on the Figure of Moses  Clelia Attanasio

What are the Sources of Pseudo-Dionysius’ “Spiral of Love?” Zdenek Lenner

Aristotle in the 12th-Century Commentaries on Proclus’ Elements of Theology  Lela Alexidze

Plethon Sings the Virtues: The Organization of the Specific Virtues in the Laws  Bruce MacLennan

Sub umbra illius quem desideraverum: the Precedence of Shadow in the Work of Giordano Bruno’s De umbris idearum  Noé Badillo