
Proclus’ Commentary on the Timaeus of Plato I

Original price was: £35.00.Current price is: £28.00.

TTS vol 15 – The Commentary of Proclus on the Timaeus of Plato, the first of two volumes (books 1, 2 and the first part of 3). A revised 2nd edition.

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The Commentary of Proclus on the Timaeus of Plato in two volumes. With page and line numbers added from Diehl’s 1906 edition, with Taylor’s extensive footnotes and references, together with over 1500 extra references added by the Prometheus Trust. This is the largest late Platonic Commentary to have survived: it is, as Taylor described it in his original edition, “a treasury of Pythagoric and Platonic physiology” and the work which Proclus himself thought the most important of all his writings. The first volume includes books 1, 2 and the first half of book 3. A revised 2nd edition.


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Weight 1088 kg


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