
Proclus’ Elements of Theology (2nd edition)

Original price was: £21.00.Current price is: £16.80.

TTS vol 1 – Proclus’ 211 theological and metaphysical propositions, this second Prometheus edition has Taylor’s extensive notes from his 1792 edition added to the main text of his 1816 edition.

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This is one of the great books of the Platonic Tradition. Its scope is the whole sphere of divine reality which Plato recommends to all who aspire to wisdom, and which Plotinus outlines in his Enneads. It takes as its starting point The One – the first principle – and follows dialectically the unfolding of this through division, analysis, demonstration, and definition. It shows how the ineffable One is revealed in the Gods, and then how it proceeds while at the same time remaining exempt, at each succeeding level of being, intellect, soul, and body. A work of unequalled dialectic, it is both theological and metaphysical.

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Weight 570 kg


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